Posts in self help
5 Books to Read that Will Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

If you just read the title and are thinking, umm isn’t it a bit late to still be talking about my resolutions? This post is for you.  What does the timing of this post have to do with anything?  The timing of this post was motivated by some jarring statistics, such as “80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February” - U.S. News, and Only 9.2% of people succeed in their resolutions.  Fact is, we’re nearing the end of January, and the novelty of making our resolutions is probably starting to wear off for many people.  So here’s how to make it stay.

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5 Necessary Lessons My First Year as an Entrepreneur Taught Me. Things every new business owner should do and learn from.

April 24th, 2017, I officially launched a company: ROX Jewelry. I had money saved up, a dream, and a burning desire to make a difference. I had all the drive, passion, and hope in the world. Today, I sit here knowing that I had imagined a thousand different ways my first year would have gone, and none of them came remotely close to the reality which unfolded.

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